Gum Disease

Bad Breath Squelchers!

Bad breath affects approximately 90 million people, according to WebMD. There may be refuge in knowing that you are among many who have suffered from bad breath. Yet, this is no conciliation when contending with odorous breath. The conversation, the kiss, sleeping with your partner at night and waking up together in the morning may be inhibited by bad breath. Certainly, there are bad breath gums, refreshing sprays and toothpastes that may mask bad breath. However, it’s important to get […]

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The Lowdown on Dental Plaque

Dental plaque is the colorless, filmy buildup of invisible germs found around and on our teeth. If it sounds like a horror story, it actually can be! Plaque can cause problems far beyond our mouths. Technically, Streptococcus mutans (what we commonly know as strep, as in a strep throat) and bacteria are the microorganisms that find a welcome, wet place to grow on our teeth. These microorganisms cause havoc without proper oral hygiene. The “extracellular matrix” is also a part […]

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Fear of Dentistry Relieved

Fear of dentistry affects up to 75% of people in the United States, according to Wikipedia. Fear of dentistry may be because of the anticipation of injections to come. The fear may relate to the images of dental technology, the odors in the office, or the sounds of the technology being used in the office. The root cause of fear may be associated with a prior experience in a dental office. To make matters worse, dental fear may build when […]

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